dimanche 15 mai 2011

a february without word

mercredi 16 février

i have to pay for it now (Word) after my far too many months trial and first i have to sell a few packets of tea and a bundle of cosies (Doro thé up and running soon!) ...when this is done ( and my cold fingers warmed to the soul by french winter market ambiance) I will get on and post Violette, my story not my child, written before i could have imagined such a one as she!.  Then I shall send off to editor land my first love Of rhythm and of sleep, and then I shall dig into my norwich novel The Interlude which i started when Bram was in my belly and am still two thirds through! In between times I will hope to blog a few more of my short stories...squirrels, portable love affairs, cardigans, cow shaped clouds etc
for now my other love (my family) go well

i hope you do too
la paix et l amour x

the two littlest are not mine
Bram 6, Eartha, 8 and Violette 4 at nanny mar's house this christmas.

we got chickens, eggs being a New Year resolution....

Take Care